• belief.

    chapter 3.

    we are the darkness in their light. there is no one without the other. no smile without a tear. no joy without fear. they think they are different from us, that they are better, and we are worse. they think of right and wrong, and good and evil, and black and white. we are all the heroes of our own story. except when we are villains. and we are, villains.

  • belief.

    chapter 2

    it crumbles like water, it does not resist. it is stone and bedrock. it is no more than gravel. your steps are heavy and burdened with the weight of our fates, the fate of this world. the future of this world. you are the destroyer. you are the end, and all things must turn to dust.

  • belief.

    chapter 1

    you think it is yours and that it answers to you. that you might do with it as you will, not for its own sake, or for any sake. you think it should bend under your palm, because you have the power to make it so. you do, and it does. and i will make sure that it will always be thus.